A seam appears with the mirror modifier. how do I remove it?

a seam appears with the mirror modifier. How do I remove it?


Are you sure the vertices are perfectly at the middle? (select all the middle vertices, and move them on X a bit - “Clipping” option should make them stick to the “mirror plane” once they pass through the middle)

Could there be any faces inside the mesh?

And lastly, is “Merge Distance” set to high enough value (might need changing if the mesh is HUGE)?

Hi, increase the merge distance from 0.001 to 0.005

Merge Distance and clipping are enabled, I’ve already tried experimenting with values, but it doesn’t give any results

The grid I have looks like this, the order of modifiers is in the correct order

Too high. try small increments. 0,005 0.008…

Nothing has changed much

Can you attach the file? (just the head would be enough)

OK, here, unfortunately I can’t attach files, since I recently registered, here is a link to cloud storage.

Like I said, make sure there are no faces inside:


Broh go into face select mode and then wire frame mode then select the faces in the middle of the model. I think it’s happening because of these faces

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This is exactly what @stray said. :sweat_smile:


Oh :flushed: sorry :neutral_face: ops


Thank you very much! That helped

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