A sign for too much blendering.

Today I tried to scroll down a Word document by pressing shift and mmb. %| This brought me to the idea of introducing the famous “You know you´re doing this too much when…”-game. I hope it has not been played too often here.


You know you blender too much when…

When you can break down objects into a wire frame just by looking at them.
When using other programs you use blender key combonations to do stuff (q to quit, x to delete, etc)

I remember something from the old Blender site’s CJ to this effect called “You know you are a Blenderhead when…” Here are my additions to this thread.

When thinking of spherical wireframes turns you on.
When you realize that you made a mistake in your spelling of your current word, and press “U” to fix it.
When you change your name to “Blen D. E. R.” (with a silent L so nobody will be confused when saying your name).
When you consider modeling your girlfriend in Blender.
When you realize that you don’t have a girlfriend to model in Blender.
When you invent a girlfriend in Blender.
When you laugh at “Simone.”
When you watch an old movie and think, “What awful CG they have in this!”
When you try shaving by pressing X with your facial hairs highlighted.
When you attach a keyboard & three-button mouse to yourself to fix anything anybody complains about.
When that above suggestion works.
When you’re kicked out of your house, and you move to the Netherlands.
When you throw a ball at a wall and see it go through.
When you try to control your pet by moving him with the key “G.”
When that works.
When the last girl you’ve talked to in weeks is either IngieBee, DreamMaster, or DreamsGate. (Or any of the other girls on here.)
When your name is CubeFan973.

When you ask for a good lattice in the morning.
When you compliment a girl about her nurbs.


Also when you have to take the SubSurf to go to your work every morning… :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


When you think you are having Spaghetti and Metaballs for dinner.
When you look for the F12 key on your 35mm camera.
When a girl walks into the room, but then you realize that the girl is not a reflection in your monitor but actually a girl you blended.

Thats all I can think of for now.

Nick V

Once I thought that I was taking a break form Blender watching TV : I tried to zoom in the image with the remote.


You go outside during the day and turn into dust.

when you’re drawing a sketch of something on paper, then try to press “ctrl+s” so you don’t lose it.

(true story! i rarely do anything on paper so after while of writing/drawing something my left hand instinctively reaches over to hit the save shortcut :stuck_out_tongue: )

Done the same thing Nico. Also on web-pages.
I think you’re blending too much when you notice holes in everyday objects and wonder how they made them without fracturing the faces :stuck_out_tongue:
(Anyone doing serious boolean work will agree)

When you ask your girlfriend: “Hey, wanna intersect?” :stuck_out_tongue:

When you watch movies like Shrek and Ice Age and pay more attention to the CG than the plot of the movie.

:smiley: This is so true : even if the movie bores you !
Anybody ever watched one in slow motion to make sure one won’t miss a thing ?


can´t help to moan, this topic feels indeed off topic 8)

You’ve been on Elysiun too long when you tell your girlfrieng in an argument that she off topic

Now I’m OT in an OT.

Beat that !


I’ve only started doing that recently.

You’ve been on Elysiun too long when you tell your girlfrieng in an argument that she off topic

Now I’m OT in an OT.

Beat that !


sorry, got no one :wink:

You know you’ve been on the off-topic forums too long when you try getting off-topic on purpose in a totally different forum.
Oh, and when you go to a new forum and see a bunch of related topics and think, “This must be some kind of fad for people to post about…”

Now I’m OT of OT on an OT!

when you are talking on the phone, and images from blender keep popping in your head, like, how would I make that? (it happens to me all the time)

When you look at your glass of water and wonder how they got the caustics so spot-on.

The # 1 sign you use blender too much…

You answer this thread

Today I wanted to move an incon on my desktop more accurate so I pressed shift while doing it for slower and more precision moving. :slight_smile: