A simple but beautiful site. I like it.
About logging in: I think that you have to learn php or something, or find someone to do it for you. (Maybe me)
Maybe Nvu can do it for you but i’m not shure.
Who has made this site? for you say your Knowledge is non-existant…
Jogai, I made the site myself, but the easy way with a wysiwig editor
Arr-Matey, which images are you referring to? I’m asking, because I did not actually try to resize them with html.
Whether you realize it or not, you did, in fact, resize the image. Your original image is 425x505 pixels. The area you gave it in your WYSIWYG editor is 375x446 pixels. Hence, your image looks bad (html image scaling functions always produce poor results).
For logging in and uploading files you will need to learn PHP or ASP. Check to learn which of these your web host provides. (If both, go with PHP, it’s easier to learn…)
Very useful is to look at the page source for other people’s sites. In FF you can press Ctrl-U to get it. Your example site is a very polished commercial site, so they go through a few hoops to keep the basic URL at the top of the screen. You’ll notice, however, that the username and password login boxes are plain old HTML input forms, which consist of a FORM, one or more INPUT boxes, and a SUBMIT button. In the example site it uses some javascript to help it out… but you don’t always need it.
Google “html forms” and “php file upload” and “php cookies” to find information on what you want to do. You’ve got a bit of learning ahead. Sorry.
yes, for logging in, comments, and such you’ll need to learn PHP or ASP, which requires at least basic knowledge of HTML, CSS is a good-to-know. Another option is to use a CMS (an already done site, that you just fill up with your data), I recommend Joomla. Or, if you want your site unique and dont care about money you can pay a professional … I happen to know one…