For training purposes I am trying to design a mesh with same geometry as this one
I am trying to figure out what transformation happens at the junction of the head with the handle (which modifier was applied)
For training purposes I am trying to design a mesh with same geometry as this one
I am trying to figure out what transformation happens at the junction of the head with the handle (which modifier was applied)
Welcome …
Maybe like so: take a sphere, scale in Z, select upper vertex, move down with proportinal editing, maybe re-adjust some loops, delete one half, add a cylinder witth no caps or delete on one side, select edge loops, use bridge edge loops, increase number of cuts, play with smoothness and profile, adjust connection with prop. edit, scale half sphere to make it longer, further adjustment to jour liking…
Using Subdivision modifiers, the modeling edges such as the left are divided into the modeling edges such as the right.
This modeling is the final result of applying Subdivision modifiers.
Oh yes… you are right.
I made it by too complex. I should have uses a simpler version (not 32 segments). With less it’s by far easier to get the wanted shape and then adding some subdiv to get something smoother.
Thanks, this looks close, I still have some problems bridging those edge loops the right way, spoon neck should look like a trapezoid before the spoon excavation, I will keep the vertices at the front of the sphere (head) and delete half bottom of the vertices on the back, then try and tweak the same shape before applying subdivision modifier.
Use the Decimate modifier.
Most of it will recover, but the center will likely be pretty damaged.
But I think it’s recoverable.
There is no right way… If it look good enough… then it is good enough.
Maybe there is a “trick”. Maybe in an onther software which can do this really quick. But for searching for something like this the time mostly isn’t worth it. Except when you want to make a lot of spoons. But then again a procedural approach like geometry nodes may be better.
On the other hand: You might put aside your wireframe reference and simple try something for yourself
This is all for purpose training, I was just checking some imported objects to compare with mine and try to reproduce same result.
the subdivision modifier was really handy i only tought of it as a tool to smooth final result, but you can use it to create curves and controling them with well placed vertices.
I didn’t get the result quite right because I didn’t use shade smooth early on, it would have helped me see the mistakes way before, here is the result tough
1st basic shape: opted for a cylinder (8 vertices and some loop cuts at the jonction) by cylinder (10 vertices)
then some tweaking
i knew i had a problem before shade smoothing (just 2 vertices causing havock) , here is the result anyway
Im moving to other things tough, bit tired of spoons , thank you for helping