A small game that mostly works. No name, as of yet.
I am wondering if anyone could give me some links, or help me on a few newbie points.
Scene 5:
Slight error with the IPOs for the elevators. If the framerate drops too far, they jerk and send your character flying. (Especially at the start, though a workaround is currently in place.)
Scene 6:
The terrain park, to your right at the start, tends to… melt? The game turns jerky and the game engine ceases to detect collisions between objects for a few seconds. (Everything falls through the floor and itself, including you. :() What is this called?
Also, how do I pack this for travel? If I move the .blend and the images folder, all the images are unloaded in the game. I also can’t upload them to this site by .zip. (All the (not included) art was made by me. My internet was offline at the time.) GNU glp here, also.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Uh, edit time.
I got this error message updloading the file:
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.
If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
a few crits:
less polys! the scenes were extremely high-poly! I couldn’t play level 3 or 4 because my computer lagged so bad.
set character to dynamic, not ridgid body. not much fun almost making to the end of the level and falling over.
don’t use force and torque for rotation/movement. It’s waaaay too hard to control.
other than that, your factory level looked promising.(or that might just be me and my love of sci-fi factory scenes)
wiiario: Ah, I’ll cut down on poly count in future productions. I find I tend to build until the game starts lagging on my computer. (I can’t play level 5, myself. The ships’ lighting causes lag and collision errors. ;)) I’ll look up how to count the polys, keep them in check in future games.
curlystraw: The criticisms is quite helpful. Thanks. I will experiment with character handling to get something not as (extremely) finicky as the current one. Glad you liked the scenery on the factory level. It is my favourite - the only one worth looking at in the ‘pack’, I think. However, it was too long. I just (as in 5 min ago) realised how to approxmate a save during a level.
You can have up to 100k polies in a scene. It all depends on your computer. It’s just that most people on these forums are all hobbyists who don’t have tons of money to spend on computers, then some noob comes on (no offense) and makes a high poly scene because he is new and doesn’t know how many to use and everyone freaks out!
You can use as many polygons as you see fit, as long as they’re static (meaning they dont move or interact with other polygons). The BGE in its current state will have no problem handling 100,000 or even 200,000 static polygons in a single scene without any problems. The cap really depends on your hardware, so it could be more or less. I would suggest doing a test with subdivided spheres or cubes to see how much your hardware can handle, and use the framerate as a guage to get a feel for what your hardware limitations are.
As for your question about packing image textures, you can do this by selecting the “Pack Data” option under the “File” menu.
Good luck with your project, be sure to keep us updated = )
[Killer]: Thanks for the poly advice. I got my computer second hand from my local going out of business logging company (yay British Columbia), and I assumed it was trashy. :o
I just made stuff until the game slowed down - I am a noob.
Thanks for the GLSL tips, read up a bit on it, looks nice.
VenomSeven: Thanks!
In general:
I aim to eliminate the bugs in the last two levels, before abandoning them here and making something new. Preferably with a story line.
Known Bugs:
Factory elevators jerk and kill you if your framerate is too slow. (Not fixable)
No textures. (Solved now. ^^ )
Possible bug with monkey bulbs in tunnel level. (No clue why, probably fixable.)
Terrain park ‘melts’ at seemingly random times. (No clue why, probably blender bug)
Too many polys, especially in tunnle scenery. (fixable.)