A smoking Dragon head (warning: depiction of _tobacco_ accessories)

I picked up my old dragon head and decided to go in a different direction with him. Next on my list is to make a body with a hand grasping his “water filtered tobacco pipe.”

Finally got my own webspace, so here’s the pics (hopefully)




Also, i need to learn some basic html so i can link thumbnails to the actual images as not to flood your screen, sorry :frowning:

Anyways, let me know what you guys think.

Now he’s got a tiny body to go along with his head. Maybe smoking so much has stunted his growth? :wink:

Small (deformed) wings and maybe some kind of cloud he could be floating on are next on my list. No idea how to do a cloud though.




u need textures


I added some texture to him, but i’m sick as a dog at the moment, will add wings probably tomorrow.