Does anyone know how to make the spider’s legs more round and realistic…
I thought about make the hair with particales but the legs will still look like peaces of wood…
thanks, but it’s not it. he maked his spider from one peace, I made first the body and than the legs and than attach one to the other…and his spider hairless. I want to make my more realistic as I say without changing his form becouse he is exactly as I want him - a screaming spider that having a spasm.
any other ideas or suggtestions??
No offense, but if you’re going for a ‘realistic’ spider, what you describe is not realistic at all. Spiders don’t scream and have spasm’s
ye, I know…I don’t want the scene to be too much realistic, just the spider…and I mean his hair and skin, shadows and other stuff
I’m a “noob”, but if I wanted the legs more round, I’d just subdivide them. And smooth I guess.
You took the words right out of my mouth:D