A Strange Render Effect...

Hey everyone! One of my first Blender projects is a chess set. It’s not quite finished (I need a king, bishop and knight), but I have a question about the behavior of one of the materials. The set is supposed to look like glass and chrome, and they are built off instructions here. The problem is with the glass shader, when YAFRay renders the chess board. Photos here, here and here.

If you look at the chess board, I have been getting some funny refractions under the surface. I made this by placing sixty-four blocks in an 8x8 grid and assigning respective shaders in a checkered pattern. I was hoping that the edges of the chrome shaded blocks would be more visible without the weird refractions. Is this natural? It doesn’t look like the way real glass would behave, leastways not in my eyes. Thanks for reading!


I was checking on your render images and you should try couple things here depending on what you will like to do, check your alpha, raymirror, raytransparent settings, and see what happens, I think that will fix part of problem and also change the blue world color to a light gray or white so you can see better whats going on, hope that helps :wink:

Thanks PG1, I’ll try that. One question: noob that I am, I’m not sure in what manner to adjust the settings you mentioned. :o

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well i am noob too but i have learnd too much from playing around with buttons … and its a very good way to explore new things in programs.i didnt learn too much as much as i learnd from messing around with tools.

i know it wont help but just a comment

You seem yo have some normals faeing the wrong way, push Cnrl-N in edit mode and I think it should work.

Hey sorry that I took so long to answer you, but here, if you still not sure, post the file or email me [email protected], but try playing with this settings I think you should get something, I dont think this is a normals problem because you cant get that clear reflection effect with normal reverse. but let me know


I tried raising the alpha, but then the glass material became rather dark and almost like the chrome material (photo 2). Anyways, the other 2 renders are rendered with a light grey background after your request.

[Photo 1,Photo 2](http://farm1.static.flickr.com/125/385684085_960a664677.jpg?v=0) and photo 3


im not sure whats the problem, but did you turn on TraShadow on the shaders tab?
cuz i see the shadow of the objects isnt transparent.

What is your Raydepth set to?

Is there any gap between the blocks? What you’re getting looks like you have coplanar faces. scale the blocks down by a little bit so they are no longer touching.

increase raydepth up to 20 or 30

Alavro, I don’t think that’ll work.

Look at the artifacts, they are the exactly as you would expect if there was something dodgy going on with the geometry because the black triangles are the triangles from the quad.