A sweet piece of land (GLSL)

YES I KNOW I MADE A TYPO IN THE TITLE!!! (but i fixed it so dont bother looking)
this is a piece of land i made because i was bored… so feel free to use it in your demos or games or whatever. just hit “p” to make it work
(this includes my real time reflective water)
so have fun this is designed for the game engine using GLSL (it wont do much with out GLSL!!!)
(if the water is giving u issues like the reflections are not right then switch to looking through the camera and then hit “p” then it should work)



You spelled piece wrong.

yes i know lol

Very good job. The waters very nice. The only critique I have is that you misspelled piece wrong in your title.


again… i know… like 5 mins after i posted it i noticed that i mistyped it and… i dont think there is any way to edit the title…

thats where your wrong just go into edit and go to advanced :smiley:

you spelt piece wrong. :wink: But, peace might be appropriate because your land is good enough to promote peace between several international organizations. :stuck_out_tongue:


You can actually double click on the thread (not the link, but in the box containing the thread title) and it will let you change the title just like that.

thank you… i feel stupid now… lol
so what do u guys think?

No. No, you don’t know. If you knew, you wouldn’t of spelled it wrong. Now, of course you know.

So he knew when he said I know :wink:

ok now i do know… lol… thanx… :stuck_out_tongue:

Did anyone mention you misspelled “piece”?

Sorry! Couldn’t resist! :wink:

Nice land texture btw! (oh, and you misspelled piece :))

thanx… lol…