I was working with TorQ’s face loop lizard tutorial in Modron’s >>>Modelling Techniques and Strategies<<< thread and wound up with a dog. Can anybody suggest a breed and a source of reference photos?
so this is u modelling…:rolleyes:…first time really seeing what u can do…nice job though…the legs look abit blocky…well as a breed…i would recommend a german shepard…cuz they easy to model…and nice…good luck
I’d look at the volumes of the head, certain areas around the eyes seem more depressed than they should be. If you’re aiming at a relatively muscular dog, I’d advice making sure the chest and stomach dont merge so smoothly into each other. If you look at pictures of most dogs, you’ll see the chest is significantly larger. Aside from that, just find some reference pictures (The specific breed probably doesn’t matter too much at this stage, just get the basic shape down from whatever pictures you choose, as long as it’s the general vein of dog.) For instance, if you want to model a German shephard-like dog, don’t use a poodle as reference.
Keep working on good topology, pay attention to where loops travel and your final mesh will be cleaner.
Oh, I forgot you wanted a source of images, a quick google gave me
I’m not sure how good it is, but it seems fairly decent.
Good work, keep on going
Thanks for the site. I’ve picked the Swiss Mountain Dog
as a reference. Large dog with
short hair was the main criteria, so I could see the form.
Besides, I just love this face
I see what you mean about the chest/stomach area. I started this without references, so there’s a lot of details and proportions to clean up.
Message has been deleted.
uhh… well, its abstract, and…okay…
Framedworld, I’ll assume you are responding to PenFifteen, and not me.
PenFifteen, what you’re doing is called hijacking a thread and it is frowned upon. :mad: To keep things orderly here, the rule is generally one project, one thread. It is simple enough to open a new thread, post a picture of your dog, and ask for assistance.
When you edit your dog image and questions out of this thread and open up your own dog thread, post side and front views in edge select mode (Use Ctrl+F3 to take screenshots), instead of the render. You’ll get a lot more specific advice. A lot of people who post here are visual (go figure!) and no amount of words can explain as well as an image.
If you want my personal comments on your work, well, that’s what Private Messages are for. Click on my (or anyone’s) username, you’ll get a pop-up menu with “Send so-and-so a private message” as one option. I’ll be looking for a message that asks me to come and look at your new thread, so any advice I may have for you will be public and benefit the entire community.
You’re new here and as the saying goes: “Every dog gets one bite.” So you’ve had yours.
sorry, bud, have to watch the forums more clearly… Oh and I was responding to Penfifteen.
Not your fault, Framedworld, I was just trying to show the newby the problems that come up when people hijack threads. Cross conversations and all that. We’re cool.
Anyway, I’ve been working on the head, here’s an update
The way the dog’s upper lip hangs, they’ve got like this permanent smile going on. No wonder they’re man’s best friend. I mean, aside from working for table scraps, guarding the house at night and that unconditional love thing.
His eyes look like they contain alot of triangles, but you havent smoothed it so I assume you havent payed them much attention yet.
That’s awesome.
If you mean the eyeballs, yeah, they’re just the typical UVsphere eyeball stand-in.
Thanks, BlackBoe.
More work on the body, mainly the legs. I have no idea how well the body will animate. I guess I’ll go take a look at Catboys horse.
I’m not sure -what- it is, but something striking me as odd in the first image.
well, for first - The specularity is inconsistent, I’m not sure where you placed your light, but the body looks made of a low specularity, low hardness material whereas the head/paws look of the default material? Aside from that, everything looks a little, detached to me. The ears, especially. You may want to smooth the transition from parts a little, and matching materials if they aren’t would also be good. Keep getting the basic body shape/loops correct, and once that’s done, slowly work in detail with additional verts and such. It would suck to see major anatomical errors at a later, higher poly stage. I doubt you’ve started the feet, but they could use some work, but you probably know that.
I’m very interested in how this will turn out, keep me updated.
Ah, sorry Orinco! First time in a forum. Can you PM me how you did it please? It’s really good. Looks much better now that the stomach and the chest are seperated, though on the face it looks a bit strange. By the eyes, too dented. I assume you haven’t worked on the paws yet, they’ll need to be shaped. (See! I’m being constructive now - I’ll remove my earlier post)
Looking really good. How are you going to do the paws? That’s going to be very interesting to see. I always found extruding the toes time consuming stuff, but when done right, it looks great. Good Luck!
More work on the overall shape. No, I haven’t done details on the paws, yet. The light set up on Blender grey (no materials added, either) really brings up the shape (and any imperfections in the shape) when rendered. It’s the porcelain dog effect.
This is the light set up. Three hemis and a camera, all tracking a big empty placed in the center of the model. Each lamp is at intensity 1.000, but has one different color turned down to zero, so one light is yellow, one is teal and the third is magenta.
c’est un bouvier bernois ?
Parce que les authentiques sont les st-bernards si jamais …
Joli toutefois …
This ones are very beautyfull and very cool dogs, original swiss dogs, very big !
These are called grands St-Bernards !
the ones that have some schnaps barrel around the neck …
these are breed by the monks, at 2000 meters …