Looking to make this more realistic. Any suggestions on where to go what to add/change? Would be great for my knowledge
Looking to make this more realistic. Any suggestions on where to go what to add/change? Would be great for my knowledge
I decided to keep the blue colour palette so changed the red chairs. I’m not happy with the material. Was going for a plastic look, I thing I’ve over done it there. I like the composition more though. I might straighten the picture I feel its taking the eye in an erroneous direction.
It’s a very small scene. I get the feeling that I’m looking at one of those small rooms in those toy houses. Maybe zoom out a bit and make the room itself bigger.
There’s some blur around the edges. There’s also some flying black spots.
Everything does look plastic like but it’s alright. Just a dab of plastic-ness can make the scene sort of more realistic and a bit cartoon-ish. Look at the game Bad Company 2, everything has a dab of cartoon-ish coloring which makes it much more good looking than BF4 IMO. Even a bit more realistic. Right now in the scene it doesn’t look too bad.
What look are you going for? Just a simple room scene which is really realistic?
Thanks, It does look like a small model room. I’ll try widening it out. I’m trying to go for pure realism but I went so far off from my reference photo. The black spots are a displacement map on the wall. Like someone has taken big chips out of it. The reference picture had them on the concrete wall.
So I’ve just enlarged the room. Also the table was pretty big so I have changed the size. Think its sits better. I added a wine glass on the table and am going to put a smashed one on the floor.
So getting near finishing, added some volumetric lighting and a it of a glow from the window. Colour adjustment, and wine spilled with a smashed glass. Might try some other stuff see what I can come up with. Any ideas?