hey im making a computer so you can open a door but first you must type in the password how can i do this with a keyboard. Example you go up to the computer and hit use. you zoom into the computer. It asks for the password. You can type anything but only the correct text will open the door. Can anyone help me?
So here’s a little demo showing how to do what you want to do. Simply start the game, type “cowsareawesome” and the cube will start moving!
Pls inform me of any problems you might have with the blend.
Hope this helps.
Robo3Dguy-Password.blend (77.5 KB)
Hey this is pretty neat! I might use this in the MMORPG game Present Fear that I am helping to develop. THANKS!
how could i make what it says in the top left into a changing texture or something of that sort, Or maybe a Hud.
I’m trying the hud right now.
Never mind i fixed my own problem.
forthfriend2: Feel free to use it in any way you like! Your welcome.
blending user: How did you fix it?