A texturing question.

Greetings my fellow blenders!

I’m here because I wish you could enlighten me something that haunts my already haunted mind:

How the bloody hell can I texture a head and a body of a being, something organic, with efficiecy? I mean, what are the processes, the softwares?.

For example: I’ve created a head and body of some random being, and then I want to “uvmap” them. I already know and understand all the Blender’s UV options, the way it separates the surfaces of the mesh and put them in the UVmap screen. But the question is: I find just impossible to create a good texture in gimp, just drawning like a happy child. That’s not the way they do in games, it couldn’t be! I’ve found a software for windows called Mudbox, but it’s too advanced for my actual pc, I just want to texture some meshes with a lower number of polys.

Well, can you show some tutorials that teach these texturing techniques? I’ve already learned a lot of modelling, I’ve studied and watched countless tutorials. But once the model is finished, I just can’t texture it! I don’t want a head to have just one texture! It’s too poor and simple and ugly and bloody unreal!

That’s what haunts my mind, and I’m really appreaciate your help! How can I do diese Scheisse?

Also watch the gazillion videos on youtube and use google. Don’t just think blender, watch tutorials for other applications as the principles are all the same.

Thank you very much! I’ll watch them all! I’ll follow your tips, and analyze these principles.