A Town in the Middle of Nowhere

The Art looks really nice so far.

Very inspirational :slight_smile:

Thanks, @HeadClot!

I see an improvement in my own work as I progress, but I still have a lot to learn.

My animations are going slow because I keep having to do things over. I had the last scene all done but then I didn’t like the timing of my character’s movements as he watches the cars coming down the road, so I tried to add some pauses, but it threw off the timing of the cars. My attempts to recalculate their movements ended up messing everything up and I got lost in all the keyframes I had to keep track of. Adding a constraint to my rig in an attempt to parent him to the vehicle and then not removing it correctly when it didn’t work as I wanted cost me a lot of trouble as well.

A deep sigh, a half hour away from the computer, and I’'ll start all over again with a smile.