A virus threat...........

I just received this e-mail from my Internet Provider, warning me about a possible virus threat and I figured I should post it, just in case…

There are some useful links on how to get rid of this damned thing in case you encounter it on your system…

Dear subscribers,
Last night, there was a major problem on the Internet with a virus
infecting Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows XP. The first problems
occurred after connecting to the internet. The message that was diplayed
was “Generic host process for win32 services has encountered a problem and
needs to close” having as a result the reboot of your computer.
It is strongly recommended to use an Antivirus program or and update of
your windows OS. You can find more information about the disinfection of
this virus and also your system’s protection in the following links:





With compliments,
Customer Support…


I had this problem yestesday, is not funny to have your computer rebooting every 3 minutes.

yea, thats a lesson for us all: get an antivirus scanner.

Get a proper firewall, that’s a lesson for all…

Another lesson is: Don’t use IE or Outlook.


already got that one on my comp, it was pretty annoying.
simple solution: dont use windows, it’s evil [and not the virus] :wink:

ROFLMAO!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope you’ll easilly get rid, of this damned thing… (the virus I mean, not windows… :P)


I got hammered by that yesterday, late lastnight while trying to get my WC entry finished…

I wasn’t even using IE, but mozilla, and a firewall…

Anyway, I borrowed my dads PC to search on the web to find out what the frell was going on, found the fix for Windows XP, and got it installed.

I guess it is really my own fault for not applying any service packs / security updates since I bought XP last year…

Sorted now though…

Brian (trying to find winxp service packs on CD)

I wouldn’t blame myself for not installing a patch, I would blame the software maker for not releasing a secure product that doesn’t require installing patches every two weeks.

cree, ANY OS has holes. I do agree that XP, 2000 and all that stuff had some problems, but if i was a hacker i bet i could find some unguarded port and hack into some mac thing. Windows was targeted probably because it has the highest amount of users and because the people that made the virus might hate microsoft, much like you.

Windows seems to have a lot more holes. You don’t hear about worldwide bug alerts for Linux or Mac Os or Unix on every news casts every three months or so. MS knew of at least 46 security flaws and still released sp4 for Win 2000. I just hate it when people make things based on marketing rather than engineering. I hate it when people have no pride in what they make and no qualms about producing inferior products. Imagine if air traffic control systems or power grids were that vulnerable? Or if car brakes broke because Billy Billionaire decided it was cheaper to make them that way instead of testing them to save a buck. Could you imagine if food safety had the same quality standard as software…we’d all be sick or poisoned. I don’t write viruses, I have morals. I was the one who told you about the one that infected your computer. :smiley:

cree you maybe right about Michrosoft’s policy on this, but I also have to agree with Pooba…

There is no buletproof OS!!! Even Linux has it’s own holes… There are lot’s of goodies “flying” around like rootkits, worms, viruses, etc… Does anybody remember the famous “lion worm”??? It brought Internet down to “it’s knees”…

Maybe they are less, than those for Windows… Perhaps it’s a little bit harder to break into a Unix-like box, and maybe crackers are just too busy trying to make fool out of uncle Bill, but the danger still exists…

And anybody who thinks that he is safe, just because he doesn’t run windoze on his computer is a fool…


I got it on monday. I was on the computer all afternoon yesterday getting rid of it.

My first virus ever! I consider myself lucky.

Did you notice… Blendermax has turned into a sheep! Freaky.

Ive had 135 blocked on my router since i heard about it.

Anyway, if its designed to DDoS microsoft on the 16th, i hope im infected.

We got hit by this one yesterday.

Since it only attacks the NT side of windows, I was unnaffected (the first time I have ever said I was glad to be running ME %|) so I downloaded the removal tool and the patch and started cleaning everyone’s computer…

The way they were talking about me after, you’d think that I wrote the patch :wink:

Windows might just be more “suseptible” to viruses because it’s probably the most targeted OS and has the most users.


Dammit Cree you spoke too soon. Critical Infrastrucutre.exe performed an illegal error and will be shutdown.