oh boy getting hundrets of those mails… whoever created those nasty little bastards i wanna <censored>… under OSX the mail client has a “bounce” function, which worked quite good sometimes - it basically tells the sender “this recipient is not existing”. anyway, don’t give away your adress to mailing lists you don’t really need, this will prevent you from getting ton’s of spam.
I’ve got a yahoo acount that I’ve only given the addres to a couple people that i know… and I’m getting lots of emails with zip files attached to them… (only spam I’ve ever gotten at that addres)
so, yeah lets all kill the &@#~$ ^$&@&$ whos sending this #&@!!
it is probably somone you know infected with this virus
this has been covered before, even here
viruses that send e-mails can set the from address to whatever they want, and they usually do. of late it has usually been a random person in the infected person’s address book (or elsewhere on hard drive)