A way to sync animation with music ??

Hi to every one.

I’m making a capoeira game, fighting with malicia, at the rythm of capoeira music…

There’s a way to sync an animation with music (a .wav file) ???

How i can tell blender to do some movements on the music BMP ???

And, is possible to load an .mp3 file in blender ???

Any idea ???

All the best to everyone.


yes, there is, and there’s a .blend file available that’s set up to do it, complete with scripts…but darnit, I can’t find it to link it for ya!
It’s not a simple fix, and requires a program called Pure Data. There are folks out there who use the BGE as a video DJ presentation medium. Pretty cool stuff. Perhaps one of those good folks will post before I find it and get to post back.
(what the heck is capoeira?:confused: )
EDIT: OK, I’m back. Heh, I forgot I had actually started a thread that asked the same question! And within that thread is a link to what you want, so here you go.