ive been working on this as a little thing on side, i jsut cant get awy from being a noob !!!. anyway i have done the head its meant to have a cartoon look ay ideas on the body?
Lets start by saying you and I are in the same boat, “newbie wise” and take what i say with a pinch of salt, “and a Tequila… if you like”:eyebrowlift2:
Before you begin with the body, try and think about what kind of dragon you want it to be
and what kind of feeling you want it to have, when you say you want it “toon” like do you mean slapstick light and bubbly or Dark and Vicious, think about it, and could you please post some pictures with different angles, I can’t see the full effect of the model, so giving you ideas about the body is a bit hard at the moment, also are you using something as a reference? heres a small picture of a nice little dragon I call Fluffy
“a black European Dragon”
but hey…with blender and your imagination, well… the sky’s the limit.:yes:
oh and something looks funny at the jaw where it meets the head but i cant see so well, ill wait for your posts.
ok, i shall help to,if you are going to do something like that, then you first must choose a dragon…i shall give you two ideas. cartoon: cartoon dragons ar easy and normally stupid looking like so.
now, realistic dragons:
Can you give a solid view, it’s kind of hard to give crits with just wireframe.
Solid start so far, but the solid view is needed.
There’s plenty of Dragons out there to model. I just don’t support creating really stupid looking ones and ones that are to get slayed (slay the Dragon, that’s really a cruel thing to do:no:)
(Edited by Fligh)
(best to PM me about it instead of saying it in this thread)
Cyborg Dragon should heed his own advice and keep his infatuation out of other people’s threads.
Well, it looks fairly nice. I especially like the effect you got where the gums and teeth meet. I assume that the wireframe is with subsurf applied, as having that many verts to wrestle with would be a bitch.
I would suggest taking the corner of the mouth and pulling it a bit into the skull and widening the neck before beginning on the body. Even with a cartoony look, I think some scaly textures would be great on him. Other than that, I’d suggest a sleeker body type seeing as how the horns are pointed back that sharply.
Good work!