About Ray sensor

I have started using Blender quite recently for my Robotics project.
I have got around the basics of Blender and GameLogic.Few python scripts have been working well too.
But, I am now stuck at the part where I need to have a sensor on my robot.
I cant use the Radar sensor because it sees through objects. So, can I, either make ray sensor cast rays like radar in a particular cone or is there a hack to make radar sensor not see through the objects(that the advanced users know)???

Maybe I’m oversimplifying, but could you use a mesh in the shape of a long ray for a sensor, and use a nor to eliminate the effect when it comes in contact with other objects? I guess you would need to create segments of mesh sensors to distinguish between objects behind versus in front of the object you want to detect. Just brainstorming. I couldn’t find any way to block radar.

Seems pretty advanced for a newbie…I wanted to implement something like Simulated SICK. Any idea how a “radar”(or may be some other) sensor was implemented here ???

Sorry if I tend to think in terms of workarounds. I’m not great with scripting. There is probably a script floating around somewhere that would do exactly what you need.

However, If I were using the BGE to create something like the SICK I would use an empty with an “edit object” actuator to constantly create and send out sensor objects. The sensor objects would have a short life span.

The sensor objects could have an “edit object, end object” actuator triggered by a collision with the objects you don’t want to detect. You could control the detection distance by the speed at which the detector objects are moving and/or their lifespan.

This method would be fairly involved, but so would writing a script.

I’m in the process of working on a robotics project for Carnegie Melon using the BGE for all the controls. I’ll see If I can get some info from the programmer.
Feel free to send me an email if you like. [email protected]