About Tuhopuu

I’m relatively new to Blender. Well, I’ve known it for years, but it’s since a week or so that I’ve started to get really into it.

Could someone tell me what Tuhopuu is? Or what the difference(s) is/are between Tuhopuu and Blender? I’ve downloaded Tuhopuu today and so far I’ve only noticed a few GUI differences, that it has game support (?) and some other (mainly visual?) stuff. The thing is, I haven’t found a lot of documentation nor sites on Tuhopuu yet.

So please, if anyone could, enlighten me. It will be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

P.S.: What do you people use most/prefer? Blender or Tuhopuu? Or a combination of both?

as I understand, it’s a place where programmers can experiment with new functionality to see how it works, before moving it to Blender for real…

It’s an experimental tree where the official Blender developers are supposed to put new features for testing.

Because of its experimental nature, it should not be used for serious projects, as you can expect incompatibilities, crashes, and broken .blend files.

Oh I see. Sounds very cool and not to mention practical :slight_smile:

Thanks for telling me guys!

One of the main “extra features” is the attempted integration of other rendering engines. On the display buttons window, on the left side, you can select other renderers. Of course you need to have those renderers installed, but the three my relatively recent version of tohupoo supports are all available free. All are renderman style, but so far they are scanliners, not raytracers. Pixie has both scanline and raytracing but I’m not sure how much tohupoo can control that, or exactly how shaders are managed.

In short, it’s the version of blender to use when you just want to play around and experiment, I’f I wasn’t in the middle of a project I’d be playing with it a lot more.

It’d be great if Blender could (also) output a render file. Like a RIB, in the case of a RenderMan (RiSpec compatible) implementation.

this will come, i hope … be patient :wink:

on the extra renderers front: the latest version of Tohopuu doesn’t appear to have the code for this. Does anyone know if this is being put back in?



I have an old version of blender, 2.12 I think, that can output ribs,but I haven’t used it lately. As I recall, it didn’t support materials or textures, and I’m not sure about lights and cameras. I only used it to make meshes, and as I recall objects were rotated 90 degrees because of the different axis systems used.
There are a couple rib export scripts but they probably only work right on 2.23 or older.

Don’t forget to try out the new meta-shapes! :smiley:

there are NO official release that I am aware off that ever had any RIB export, remember I said “no official” but experimental ones like old tuhopuu1 might have had it, but only scripts has done it via python window :slight_smile: