Abstract Dessert

Hello Community

Last Night I was bored, an played around a Little, and the following Render came out. Unfortunately it seems to be uncomfortable to look at, and I can’t figure out why. Is it the Colors, the composition, or something else…?
I hope someone sees the Problem here. I would appreciate some critique :slight_smile: Thanks in advance!

Hi Nicolas,

I really like the style of this and I think the scene is really worth working on.

What may be bothering you about the scene is that the center is quite dark with a very bright sky reflected in the sphere. This really draws attention to the center of the image and I find even if I look at the travelers in the lower center, my eye keeps getting pulled up to that high contrast reflection. But it is a bit frustrating because I want to see something in the shadows and I can’t. It may simply be a matter of getting a bit more light into the shadows either by reducing the height of some of the dunes around it or adding a fill light to the scene.

Or you can re-work the composition so the sphere is on one side and the travelers are on the other, moving toward it. This might help create a sense of movement left to right rather than up and down that could help direct the viewer’s attention.

Anyway, I really like the stylization of the scene and would be interested in seeing where you go with it.


I wholly agree with what larsbunch said. In addition, there are two main subjects fighting for the eye’s attention which my add to the composition issues. What I’m really interested in is how you generated the voxel-like terrain. It really looks awesome.

Hello larsbunch
Thank you very much for your feedback. Your Points are very interesting! Maybe I will try to get only one object of interest, and fill the rest of the scene. This was just a “Doodle”, but maybe actually worth giving it a rework :slight_smile:

Hello Pixelgrapher
Thanks for your comment. The Terrain is actually very easy to make, and is completely “procedural”.
The way I did it:

  1. The Base mesh is a simple plane
  2. Apply multiresolution modifier
  3. create a displacement modifier with vorony texture
  4. create another displacement modifier with noise, or vorony pattern just for more Details.
  5. finally apply a remesh modifier set to “Blocks” mode.

So the whole Terrain ist actually just made from modifiers (I looove modifiers). In this case it got a bit slow,
but totally worth the few seconds waiting for it to update on the screen.

What makes it a bit uncomfortable for me is how reddish the desert (not “dessert”) is. Red is an aggressive color and pops in our eye. We usually use it to draw the viewer’s attention to a particular area, but when it’s everywhere, it’s usually in unsettling scenes. But you can go with that though, I find it original and there are some real deserts with red sand. However the dunes look more like mountains, they shouldn’t be so steep, since sand collapses easily.

Also, what I would definitely do is add a small bevel to your voxels, it adds highlights to the corners and makes the scene much more realistic and nice to look at. In real life nothing has perfectly sharp angles, that’s one of the gold rules of CG art. You can break any rule for sure but I think you should give this a try. However don’t enable the bevel modifier in the viewport. Tweak the settings in a small portion and then uncheck the eye before copying the modifier to the big plane.

Finally, I would crank up the smoke resolution as high as my computer would allow me to. High-res smoke gives an impression of large scale and a much more realistic look.