Abstract machinery...

Well, this is my first post on Elysiun, and I figured I’d try and make some kind of impression, so I’d like to show my first work using Blender (And a little touching up in PS).

Hope you enjoy it.


WOW that’s great! But don’t lie… there is no way that that could be your first work made in Blender… that would make you like some kind of genius :smiley: .
Great work I like it.


Ok, it’s my first FINISHED work. I have a folder full of half-finished… well, I daren’t even call them things. I think some of them break laws of physics…

Very nice. I especially like the particle system.

Great work.


looks good overall, but the doors that are opening to reveal that glowing thing are thinner than paper! You should extrude them to give them a little bit of depth.

Other than that, excellent attention to modeling detal, good beveling and such.