Abstract Red Balloon 🎈

Hey! I just made this using Blender! How would you improve it? Thanks for your feedback :slight_smile:


It’s great the way it is! Thanks for sharing your Art! :smiley:


Thank you @shannonz :slight_smile:


I like your lighting in this!
And also cool idea of how to visualize a balloon. :smiley:


Nice concept! Do you use a geometry node to generate it?

What I currently see, is a interesting technical concept with a cool lighting.
I’m asking me: Is it a real world object made of <Material> or some intentionally contradicting piece of art or something abstract? Is it free floating or attached to the floor? Is it a real string or some kind of mount/holder? Is it a real background?

Not all of these questions have to be answered by you as the artist, but perhaps you already have some ideas about it and want to emphasize them.

About the environment and lighting: Very nice start! Personally, I find the shadow parts at the ballon a little bit harsh, so a filler light or an enviromental map for lighting is worth a try. You can also search for “sphere made of sticks” (possibly with additional keywords like “art”, “ai”, <YourFavoriteMaterialhere>, …) to get some references. Also, while googling “shadow lighting photography” I found some nice lighting examples resampling your scenario.


Hi, thank you for providing me with amazing feedback,

I got inspired by the song 99 Red Balloons by Nena and tried to reimagine it abstractly, to depict how I feel about this cool song.

It is a real-world object (A Balloon), reimagined abstractly with the thought of shaping it with my feelings about the song, for the abstract concept.

The texture is supposed to reminisce red plastic material, without making it too realistic, to evoke a feeling of reality while keeping it fictional.

It could be both floating and attached to the floor, and it is both a string and a base holder. (This is part of the abstract concept)

I am in the process of creating a particle system animation, where mini abstract red balloons float around it, I’m still figuring this out :smiley:

The background is a plane with wave texture :slight_smile:

In regards to the lighting, I have been trying to learn tricks in regards to the topic and learn more about its nature, so that I can understand the concept of lighting to make it better, as camera angles and lighting are areas of opportunity for me :nerd_face:

Thanks again :slight_smile:


Hi, thanks Calver, I am reimagining the song 99 Red Balloons by Nena, as I am a big fan! It is the first time that I reimagined a song through 3D art, and I wish to add a particle system animation like the one you taught me when we were doing the coin challenge, to evoke a feeling of the 99 red ballons floating in the summer sky, I will post it here soon! :balloon:


“Neun und neunzehn Luftballoons…” :musical_note: :notes: :smiley:

I didn’t catch that this (great) song was your inspiration – now your picture is even cooler! :smiley:

with this new insight:
would you reconsider animating 99 balloons from random starting positions floating inward to “assemble” in the form of a larger balloon shape like you have here?
To do the animation, I suspect it would be easiest to start the balloons as particles on the larger (invisible) balloon shape, and then have them float away under the influence of force-fields or a Boyd-sim … render the frames, then assemble them backwards for a magical assembly. :smiley:

Since your current image is composed of sticks, maybe you can make the small balloons be those long skinny balloons that clowns use to make balloon doggies. :smiley:

Just random thoughts… :smiley: Thanks for sharing your image!! :smiley:

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