Hello all,
during this weekend I did some doodling and finally ended up with this little abstract picture.
Blender2.49b internal, Gimp, text font is from http://www.stixfonts.org/index.html.
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Hello all,
during this weekend I did some doodling and finally ended up with this little abstract picture.
Blender2.49b internal, Gimp, text font is from http://www.stixfonts.org/index.html.
Thanks for viewing
I like this kind of work a lot
Cool. No idea how you got all that random shaping… its awesome! Slightly more interesting background would be nice
Thanks to both of you for the nice comments!
@gregzaal: to answer your question about how to construct such an object just see the attached .blend file. It contains the abstract object.
Thanks also for the hint with the background. I agree that right now the background is a bit boring :o I’ll try to have a think on that and in case 'll find something nice that fits I’ll post an update
abstractObject.blend (436 KB)
lovely! i reallly dig this kind of stuff
but i have my reservations about the rounded rectangle framing the image…
Here is an updated version of the image based on the feedback from this thread.
@zeffii: thank you for your comment and feedback! I have changed the rounded rectangle frame to its original design that it had before I posted the first picture. It now looks better to me, so thanks for that hint
Thanks to everyone who posted comments to help me to improve this image!
well, the image by itself is a beautiful example of modern art - Less is More .
in my opinion the latest version that displays only a section of the rounded rectangle still detracts from the pretty cool image. I rendered your .blend at high resolution and it’s pleasing to the eye, maybe an array of point lights could lift the image overal. but i’m crazy about this stuff
ditch the line and the wonky typography (the target symbol in your first render as a logo did more for the idea of ‘target’ than adding the word)
i look forward to seeing more. your updated image has cool composition because the ground + shadow gives an extra dimension.
It has a cool abstract style to it, very modern yet pleasing to look at.
Maybe have the stuff flying in the air and have a bluish background with some wispy clouds, I can see that being better than just being on a basic plane.