It’s abstract work probably 13.5% of the world’s population won’t understand it’s true genius. :yes:
This is crap… Please do yourself a favor and read some tutorials.
uh, is that even made with blender?
and i changed the title for ya.
Holy crap, venom, lay off a bit until you know he’s joking or not.
I honestly have no idea, myself.
I think hes just having a laugh. Thats why he brought in statistics.
Did you guys see the original title of this thread?
nope, what was the original title?
very clever that is brillant well done
:rolleyes: <------------ my reply…NICE
Check your pm’s
sorry about earlier… I was em… Under the influence :no:
You know you really shouldn’t post if you’re under the influence of anything, particulary alchohol.
It looks like some sort of art. Though it may not quite match RobertT.
Edited the title again. Please don’t target other users with titles like that.
Now that makes me really curious - anyone PM me the original?
Oh, and this is a joke, right? It would probably qualify as a Testimage, using the new Defocus node, but in the Blender Tests forum it wouldn’t be that funny
please pm the origanal title thank yopu flutters sye lids
I would also like to know the original title
Wow… This is just begging to be locked. Though I have to admit I would like to know the tite as well
bravo you earned yourself 2 stars.
I think that looks nice I would be great with some typographic design
The title was ‘AN INSULT TO RobertT’s VAGINA’
and it is, man. it is truely an insult… ITS STINKY VAGINA!