Playing with repetitive shapes and warm colors.
Comments and critiques welcome. I’m not quite sure where I’m going with this.
Playing with repetitive shapes and warm colors.
Simple, clean. I like it. It reminds me of the orient with the way the patterns form. Looks like Japanese umbrellas.
Thats interesting (and good looking too).
How did you do the repetitive shapes?
Is there a way to clone a mesh and give it automatically different values (for rotation, etc.)?
I would love to know that.
Thanks in advance,
I did the repetitive shapes by extruding.
You can clone a mesh using the duplicate tool [select what you want to clone, type shift+d] but I don’t know any way to automatically rotate it. [edit] I do now. See posts below [/edit] Perhaps someone has written a python script to do that. You can also use the array modifier to clone a mesh, and give the clones automatic x, y or z offsets, but not rotations. You can add a curve modifier to the object, which doesn’t exactly rotate, but does do some interesting things to the shape.
The attachment is a cube with an array modifier and a curve modifier.
for me the reddest of red is too red [if that makes sense]. it breaks the “warm” feeling.
Nice colors. And to save you a lot of trouble, the array modifier can give the clones rotation or scale offsets. First, create an empty. Then, after selecting your object that has the array modifier, click the “object offset” button in the array modifier and type in the name of your empty. Simply scale or rotate the empty to scale/rotate the clones.
I like this. It makes a very good background. Plus, it’s simple to make!
As far as copying and rotation, perhaps the “screw” tool would do the trick?
Ah, thanks, frodo2975, I didn’t know that. [edit] ZapperJet, that sounds like another good solution to cloning and rotating [/edit] Hope Green_Hornet drops back in to get a definitive answer to his question. As for this piece, I’m not using the array modifier nor automatic rotations. It’s hand work. And not a whole lot of trouble, since, despite appearances, there’s not a lot involved in this.
Last update for the evening.
Brought the ribs back, got rid of the yellow ring. The smooth version didn’t have the texture this one has. I tried making the red “less red” but everything turned orange. Still, this red has a touch of red-orange in it, the other was pure red.
Yeah, of course I’m watching this thread.
Extruding/Screw is a good idea. But I thought about animating this thing.
Making a video of it, while it screws and duplicates. With light shining through. Maybe an AfterEffect on top. Could be sweet!
What’s the background color? Is it still the defalt Blender Blue? Changing the background color would be a good way to get rid of the ugly blue circle in the second image.
It renders in about 15 minutes, so it would take a week to get a 30 second animation. That’s do-able, but I’d need to figure out a way to do a preview in less time. I can’t see doing one tweak per week.
Very nice…I’m getting into Abstract art for some reason aswell as geometrical patterns. Any tutorials on these subjects??
I’m not aware of any tutorials on making abstract art. Blender Art Magazine published a “making of” Cyborg Dragon’s abstract piece Tangrams of Light, which may or may not be helpful, it’s in issue #12.
This particular piece is made of a primitive shapes (the cylinder) stacked up and scaled in various ways. A simple material is applied and colored. The material is made ray transparent, and the alpha is turned way down.
Since lighting plays a big part in the effect, each section has it’s own set of lights, and the light is set to illuminate its layer only. The sections are separated into individual objects and moved to layers. There are six layers in this piece. The layers let me rotate the lights in parts of the image while not affecting light in other parts.
The composition of the piece is mainly camera placement. The first cut was the result of looking at the shapes from a lot of different angles, and doing many test renders.
The manipulation of the lighting happened mainly between the first and second cut. In the first image, the geometry is the dominant impression, in the second, the geometry is smoothed out (too much) and the light plays a leading role. I think the third is a better balance of light and structure.
I have never been good at creating abstract work. I’m a storyteller, and my attempts to insert meaning into an abstract visual work has not been particularly successful, either as storytelling or as visual art. I think this particular piece works because I concentrated on balancing the visual elements and left the interpretation up to the viewer.