Acci (Guadix) - 2nd Century AD

After many months of dedicated effort and meticulous research, I am proud to present the fruits of my work. Since I started to learn Blender, I wanted to learn about new ways to bring historical periods to life in a 3D environment. I wanted to model my hometown of Guadix as it existed during the Roman period. This project is particularly significant as it may well be the first attempt to propose an urban model of Guadix from this specific historical era—a task that has not been previously undertaken.

The extended timeframe of 7 to 8 months was required, since I took my time to conduct research about nearby roman settlements and urbanism. I meticulously gathered all available published papers about Acci and compiled a comprehensive map of the archaeological findings from the Roman period. These findings, however, are quite limited, which posed a challenge in developing an accurate urban model. To overcome this, I drew upon comparative studies of other Roman colonies established around the same time, allowing me to hypothesize a plausible representation of the city’s layout during that period.

I strived to create a model that balances visual impact with historical and archaeological accuracy. My aim is that this work not only resonates with scholars but also captivates history enthusiasts, drawing their attention to the rich heritage of Guadix.

There are a lot of things to be discussed, of course: was there an amphitheatre? Where was the Forum located? Were there walls that surrounded the city? Where the water came from? How many people lived in that city?

These are all valid and basic questions to build a solid urban model that are yet to be answered. All that we have to answer these questions is our well-informed guesses.

Link to artstation


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

Amazing work !!! :smiley:

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Lovely work :slight_smile:

Did you use real terrain data, or did you sculpt it by hand?

Thanks you,

The terrain is entirely based on terrain data (LiDAR) from the Instituto Geográfico Nacional (Spain). It is true that I used a little bit of sculpting to smooth the edges and some details, but that’s it.

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