Accidently added a weird wireframe and cannot get rid of it

im pretty new to blender about a day or so, ive looked everywhere and cannot find a solution. i Do not know how i activated this weird wire frame.

Hi :slight_smile:
You can change the Viewport Shading right here:


Well thats embarassing i feel a bit silly now LOL… Thank you very much! all seems correct now.

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Don’t feel embarrassed. It is easy to click that one by accident. :wink:

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And you was smart enought to show a complete screenshot :wink: … sometimes people just show the content of the 3D-view and ask: What’s wrong?:person_shrugging:

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Also, as an FYI: the quickest way to change between views like this is to press the Z key on your keyboard, and then use your mouse to pick between Solid, Wired, Rendered, or Viewport Shading (Lookdev). Once you get used to it, you’ll be able to quickly switch between them without really thinking about it.

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