Accidents in Blender (or where is my mind?)

Today I was doodling a character in Blender, playing around with the new knife tool (which is a huge improvement, and is actually useable now), when I went to sub divide the mesh I saw before was not the start of a cute little robot thing … but rather an unmentionable body part of the male anatomy.

Maybe I’ll blame it on the cell animation I’ve been doing, brain turning to mush, drawing the same tree over and over perhaps wandering to inappropriate places…

This can affect the mind more than you think, look around in the comments on various internet sites and you’ll find people whose minds are strongly attuned to seeing such imagery in almost everything they look at and read. What’s even worse is that this can be contagious if you’re not careful.

If you want to prevent this, shift your way of thinking towards positive and G-rated things and be careful to plan ahead before you start making something in Blender. If something like that starts popping, then take a ax to it by way of the ‘X’ key.