Acciedently changed something, so that I have to press shift for zoom


In one of my blender files, I accidently (no Idea what) changed something, and now I have to press shift to zoom with the middle mouse button. Panning does not work at all anymore (or I do not know how …).
It is only in that blender file. How can I change that back?
I tried resetting the “input” in the user preferences, but that did not help …


I don’t know if that helps: I have sometimes a similiar problem when I press STRG+Z to undo something. Instead of undoing Blender shows the undo history menu. When I return in the 3D view I am still not able to pan (when I scroll around with the mouse wheel Blender scrolls through the timeline instead of panning around). If this is the case I still press again on the upper border of the window or restart Blender.

Or press Num0!

Hope that helps!:wink:

Well, it seemed to have to do something with my object being extremely huge and the view being zoomed out very far.
But even after zooming in for minutes, nothing changed …

I scaled the object down and imported it in a new blender file.
Thanks for the replies!