What took the longest was the composition. When I started, I made the “box” too big, and it started to look bad. Then I made the box too small and it just looked boring. Since I’ve never done something like this before I had no idea how to approach this. But in the end, the scene looked like this.
This is such a sweet comment and it has honestly made my day (and possibly my week).
I don’t know what else to say but thank you! [quote=“Okidoki, post:2, topic:1542200, full:true”]
For some time i lately thought this “simple” scenes ( not like “easy” more like not sooo complex ) were somekind of boring to me…
You changed my mind in mutliple ways, thanks.
Pushing 3D artwork while using “more than” 3D… or so to speak: Taking the illusion of an 3D image on a 2D image “to the next level”… playing with the expectation of the user or the users experience… i can’t even stop to praise this