Aces helper

this is a simple addon for changing colorspace for aces
support cycles and eevee now


How to use

right click on the image / environment texture node to change it to aces color space

  • for hdr texture, you should choose “Utility - Linear - sRGB”
  • for color texture, you should choose “Utility - sRGB - Texture”
  • for normal/roughtness/metallic/… texture,you should “Utility - Raw”

addon link
aces file link


Thanks! Makes it easier to get this to look like it does in UE4:

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0.2 version is here. Some guys said that they need more color space,so I rewrite it as a preset system.

Preset mode disable (cleaner selection)

Preset mode enable


Hi @atticus_lv, thanks for the posting the addon here. Can you tell something about using ACES in blender? Qua ACES, I am a complete noob. Is it like you have images coded in ACES colorspace and you can now load them into Blender?

tl;dr version: put the correct files in blender/2.9x/config/datafiles/colormangement (the luts folder and config.ocio) and it replaces filmic. This gives you many color encodings from a range of sources to make it compatible with other tools and operate in the same colorspace instead of having to figure out how to correct it in compositing.

reading more:

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maybe you should watch this .It is a very cool video for learning aces

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Hey guys, happy to bring you a good news!
My friend have just release a aces branch for blender!
Check it here for free:
Also I update to 0.3 version, with a properties panel.

Can’t download the chinise version… Can you upload it to the GoogleDrive or Dropbox?

Thank you so much for the aces helper. I just stumbled 30 mins ago on a Twitter post showing the difference. And immediately have to try it myself. Would be cool if there would be a function to one click convert all color spaces depending where the textures are plugged in, but that sounds impossible to me. (well and unplugged to some standard so Blender won’t fail rendering)

Instead of overwriting the default config, I’d recommend downloading the ACES config you want to use, put it in a specific location on your system (like %APPDATA%/ocio on Windows or /opt/ocio on Linux) and create an OCIO environment variable that points to the config file at that location. Blender will load the custom profile instead and you’re not destroying your default install.

This is a fantastic tool. We use the default ACES 1.0.3 at work and it’s such a pain to dig out color spaces from that long list of options. Does it only work on nodes or can you also use it in the properties panel/“n” panel?

I’m not overwriting anything… it’s in my .config/blender/2.92/datafiles/colormangement and I can disable it by just renaming the colormangement folder.

edit: this is technically just taking advantage of how blender prioritizes loading paths.

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Aha, that makes sense. The most notable advantage to using the OCIO variable is that most “OpenColorIO-aware” programs look to it for configs, so you’re guaranteed to use the same color management settings in every program you use. If you’re only using it in Blender, this is a perfectly fine way to do it though.

UPDATE v0.4:
now a search operator is added to aces helper in the right click menu
it check the current ocio file and ruturn available colorspace, then apply it to the active node


Seems like I’m currently getting an error when i try to add a color space to an image.

Failed to execute the preset: TypeError('bpy_struct: item.attr = val: enum "Utility - Linear - sRGB" not found in (\'Filmic Log\', \'Linear\', \'Linear ACES\', \'Non-Color\', \'Raw\', \'sRGB\', \'XYZ\')')

This is really cool.

My ocio config is edited so it wouldn’t be incredibly long - but, the scale of the pop up being affected by zoom level was a wee bit annoying. Your addon helps with that.