ACES in Blender - Comparison experimentation with Arnold

Hello everyone.

i have been using ACES with maya since some times now and decided to test it on Blender.
I have been hearing and seeing a lot of negative comment about colormanagement in Blender so i decided to run a small experiment to see how different could my render be, compare to the Arnold ones.

(to prove the consistency between the 2pics)

The scene: traditional cornell box.
2 cube - white material - 0.5 specular weight - 0.5 roughness - 1 diffuse weight
1 sphere -metal material - 0 roughness
3 planes - textured
1 Camera (focal length 35mm)

I had to add a plane with emmissive shader for blender to simulate the light - i disabled all ray visibility except camera


Diff Weight-1 SpecWeight-0.5 SpecRough-0.5

White material : R.G.B-0.570 (non colormanaged) // R.G.B-0.701 (colormanaged)

Green mat: R-0 G-1 B-0 (non colormanaged)

Red mat: R-1 G-0 B-0 (non colormanaged)

Texture mats: DiffWeight-1 SpecWeight-0

Colorcharts from

Left chart is .exr : Utility linear-sRGB
Right chart is .exr: ACEScg
Middle pic is BobRoss .jpg : Utility-rec709-camera (looks closer to the pic but this probably not the good idt)


I didn’t really know how to convert Arnold exposure value to Blender power value for the light. Using wikipedia ( i managed to find 15.221 which seems to work.
But i guess this is not the good value.

Arnold: arealight

color: R.G.B-1 Intensity: 1 Exposure 16

Other settings are default

Cycles: arealight

color: R.G.B-1 Power: 1W Strength(node): 15.221

Render settings:

Sampling: 4-2-2-2-2-2
Clamping: Indirect-250
Raydepth: Total-10/Diff-5/Spec-5/Transmis-12/Volume-0/Transparency-8

CPU -PathTracing
Samples: 512
Lightpath: Total-10/Diff-8/Glossy-8/Transparency-8/Transmis-12/Volume-0
No refle/refra caustics

ViewTransform: sRGB

Image converted in nuke to png.
IDT: Acescg
Viewtransform: sRGB




Also did a second arnold version with change in red and green color. Can’t remember what I changed , something with color managed color picker and i had negative value.


The result of this render is much closer to the cycles one so that’s interesting.


So even if some render difference could be explained but the difficulty of choosing a color and the conversion of the light we still have a big difference on the BobRoss picture, the only 8bit texture.

In fact I don’t have enough knowledge to interpret the results of this experiment so that’s why I am posting here.
All i can say is that I try my best too keep the scene in both render similar but we still have difference.
And theoretically the Arnold render is the " good one" as Blender color management might be broken.