I am using Blender for my robotics project.
So far, it looks good and works perfectly fine except for the discrete jumps.
I am not able to understand how to make the robot move just unit distance in a smooth motion. As a result I end up changing “worldPosition” attribute of the robot every time I need to update robot position. So, it looks as if the robot is jumping positions.
Now you know the waypoints of the robot (e.g. what is the next step).
Rather then teleporting to the end position of the current step, you need logic that makes the robot move to the target.
There are multiple options:
teleport as you do, but these are hard jumps on larger distance
play an animation that shows the motion from the start postion of a step to the end position. This is easily possible as your jumps seems to have the same size.
let another object perform the jump (e.g. an empty)!
— parent the robot to the other object; enable slow parent with a reasonable time offset (e.g. 30)
— tracktTo the other object; apply a forward motion
In all cases continue with the next step after the robot reached the end position (or is near of it)
If you need examples search for path following, or waypoints
Thanks Monster, I used an empty object to perform the jump and camera actuator attached to the monkey to follow empty object. Its not as smooth as I would expect but better than the previous version.