acoustic guitar

i’m going to re-make this, if anyone knows about lux materials please contact me. hope you enjoy.
modeled in blender and rendered with lux



Looks nice. You should also do some closer renders of the head stock, sound hole, etc. with some nice Lux DOF.

Looks good, but the sound board (top of the guitar) should be made of two pieces of wood. Yours looks like a single slab. It;s made out of two pieces so that it can vibrate like a butterfly wing (albeit on nearly microscpoic level)

Three-point lighting will help too. Good model, but experiment with more-appealing lighting and camera positions.

thanks for all the advice i’m new to lux so i’ll have to try to learn more about it so i can re-make this

Can you send me .blend file pls on [email protected] ? I do some guitar too…

A nice start. The fretboard isn’t right, however.
You could try using my script to generate a correct one:

It’s very good,I think that if you add some edging to the hull,it will look more realistic :slight_smile:

Edit:I once saw a good tut. on Lux materials&rendering,I’ll try to find it again.

Edit: I think it was this