AC's doodles

I am VERY new to Blender. I have only been working with it for around a month, and I am pretty much completely new to 3D art. There’s so much to learn, but I am excited to keep trying! Currently my rig is pretty tiny and it really can’t handle a lot, so my renders tend to be pretty bad. If anyone has any suggestions on how to get rid of noise without overtaxing the system, i’d love to know your secrets!

-The textures are mine, but the Tree and the Shrubs are curtesy of the lovely Andrew Price of BlenderGuru.

Great image. Very imaginative. There are anumber of techniques you might try to get rid of the noise which don’t depend on the strength of your rig. In addition to the simple stuff, there is a more complex compositor technique.

Anyway, hope these help.

Welcome to BlenderArtists :smiley: