I made this simple scene with arms and a gun but in the game engine the animation wont work on the arms! Only on the glove i gave one of the hands! Help!
[.blend is linked using my one drive. Please do not use any content in your projects aka dont steal my shit]
the mirror modifier should be applyed for the arm/playerobject then it works
OH okay. Thanks
no problem.
One more reason to create and post a demo file rather than parts of your project.
I hope the link is not valid anymore.
I have a new problem. I assinged every animation i had but the glove isnt showing up but only in the camera!
New file below. again please dont steal my shit,. Im gonna delete both links after this is sorted out!
Theoretical: the camera has an area and is an object not in this area of the camera it would be shown or rendered (only a theory from me)
set the origin of the glove to the same position as the armature. Add in “Edit Mode” a plane to the glove, now you can see the animation is showing up in the camera at the Game Engine Player.
But it should work.
Don’t know exactly what the reason for this problem could be:
a bug?
user fault?
an option that I don’t know?
Update :
It dissapears when the camera gets too close. If i use mouselook and look directly at it its back plus if i get too close in the viewport and press p its gone too
that’s because, your camera clipping is at normal state of Blender “start” 0.100 and “end” 1000. If you set the “start” to 0,001 or something that you need (in view or/and camera settings) it will be shown up.
thanks for your help. I joined them togheter but im shure your stuff would have worked too. I joined them togheter yesterday and forgot to post it here. The links will be terminated now D: