Action pose quick doodle thingy

I just realised, oh my God, it’s been like a third of a year since I’ve drawn anything. At all. I just got this overwhelming urge to put something on paper before my head exploded.

As you can tell by the lined paper I didn’t even attempt to draw this to any kind of standard, I just had this action pose in my head and wanted to see if I could actually manage to draw it without totally screwing it up.

The hand she’s supporting herself on doesn’t look right, I didn’t get her facial expression the way I wanted, and the gun (which is supposed to be a P-90 in honour of Stargate SG-1, one of my favorite shows) is a complete and utter disaster. Also I don’t think her midsection is quite right, or that her clothing is really doing what it’s supposed to be doing either.

But damn, I just love the pose.

So without further ado, here’s Hiroe in all her backflipping glory. Click thumbnail for a bigger version.

hehe, the p90 looks like an implant :slight_smile: For the expression, did you try to draw it in that orientation or upside down? If you really want to draw that pose I suggest you keep sketching/doodleing around 'til you get something you like.