So I create a very simple animation with armatures and a cube. I do the following sequences in Blender game logic for the armature: keyboard (up arrow) -> and -> action (action: ArmatureAction, start frame: 0, end frame 15)
When I try pressing the up button it doesn’t do anything. (I am pressing p to get into that mode.) Just in case needed, I’m in 2.55
Ditto! I’ve got the same problem. The test blend file is attached. I was following the method in this tutorial.
I added the armature in the relations section of the object tab for the mesh. I added the logic to the armature and made the armature an actor. I’ve tried making the mesh an actor too, but that doesn’t seem to do anything.
Has anyone got any tips or can anyone get it working? : )
Woohoo! Awesome : ) thanks. Hm I think in the tutorials he applied the modifier, but deleted it, because it was doubling up the deformations with the armature specified in the relations section. I guess that’s been fixed.
Hmm actually I just noticed that the deformations are doubling up… That’s kinda annoying. It works ok if you disable the real time and render display boxes in the armature modifier’s options. Then it only gets applied once, but still works in the game engine.
with points 3-4 if you rig the cube correctly it should automatically add the modifier. so when you’ve made the cube and armature select them both( making sure the armature is the main object selected) press “Ctrl p” and select “armature deform” (the different options change how the cube is rigged) once that’s done it should work fine.