Action-Puzzler WIP Updates

This thread is where I’ll post updates for my game…
Love is a philosophical and meaningful action-puzzler set in Noire color.

I’ll try to post updates daily, stay connected!

I LIKE! i really like it the scheme, the design, the physics, the objective is ALL GREAT 5/5 moar posts please

I created a version of my “company” logo to fit the game. Tell me what you think!

The game’s going along great too. Keep updated…

Game’s looking good, though I’m not really sure why you wouldn’t just use the same thread that you started before. Anyway, good job.

inspired by limbo much >.< nice :slight_smile:

Well, that’s what most say because of the color but Limbo didn’t invent it. It’s a french scheme popularized in the early 1900’s. I wouldn’t say inspired since it’s a totally different game. Thank you, though.

I made the blender logo to match the style I was going for. It might change due to its actual location in the game.

Please post, keep watching.

i wasnt critising i think limbos an amazing game, very simple and most new games are really lacking this simplicity that make them great. i LOVE the look of yours, it looks clean and really smooth so good luck with it :slight_smile:

Oh, okay. It just annoys me cause a lot of people relate it to Limbo and I don’t want it thought of that way. If it ever does become popular, I don’t want it called a “Limbo knock-off” or a “Limbo fan game.” Thank you very much!

Experimenting with character design… Hard to create characters with two colors and still make it match the game.

This took 15 minutes and was based off an idea I had for the game. Very creepy… especially with what she tries to do.

Very creepy… especially with what she tries to do.

Watch what you do with the blender logo. Make sure it agrees!

@Laxwolf - That’s a really creepy design, man… Is that supposed to be an enemy? Also, from your explanation, I’m guessing she tries to steal Boy and Father’s faces, huh? … That’s creepy. LOL

Thanks for the link! I’ll be sure to consider this and ask when it comes to that time.

@SolarLune - Well, she pro-dominantly shows the regrets of the father’s life. It’s hard to tell you without a background on the story but she basically represents how the father happiness and love was fake till the moment he realized it underwater. She tries to rip the real love physically from him so she can love the son “as a parent” because she never had children to love. She goes on to say to the boy “We’ll be happy together once I find out what happy is.”

She is also in relation to another character who lost his love (her) many years ago. He now isolates himself in a cavern and scares everything away because he’s afraid. He bangs loud when you come causing a plug to burst; water rushes in and drowns him showing an exaggerated representation of how the father’s isolation from loved ones was only killing him slowly.

This was the rough idea for him… like all my characters, they’re likely to change.

Man, you’ve got some really out there ideas. Still, it’s looking interesting, at the very least. The guy’s mouth is a bit odd - what are the black lines leading to this mouth supposed to be?

Oh, it’s an embroidered mask that covers his face. Thanks though, I know one thing I have to change. Well, it’s wrapped up close in the story, once you see it, it will make sense. What these characters relate to are the extremes of the father’s personality. Every time he defeats one, it’s almost like getting rid of his problem… lifting the weight off his shoulders so he can swim up. This game is very philosophical and meaningful as I stated. Everything means something. Every puzzle has a purpose.

I reallly Liked the song you used and the efect of the rock hiting the ground very very good. I want to see more!!!

I really like the look of this game definitely am following this thread!

Thanks, nothing new today. I’m to busy to work on the game today but prepare for the weekend!

Will do! Yeah I know I have been pretty busy with my game Gearbox. They have a very similar look yours and my game check it out.


I have, it’s really cool. I’ll check for your game updates.