active camera doesn't render

Actually I have two problems but they might have to do with one another:

In a complex scene I use several cams for quick testrenderings. when I change the cam by clicking a new cam and pressing ctrl-0 the cam view switches to the new cam as supposed. But when hitting F12 for a render I get a pic from the previous cam instead. This only happens sometimes but it is totally anoying. :<

Normally when I activate/deaktivate layers this affects all views. But in the current file each view has it’s specific options and I have to change them seperately for each view. This can be usefull sometimes but I would feel better when it is me who controls this. so where can I switch this function on and off?


Just a guess, but maybe something to do with that little lock symbol in the 3DWindow header, the one with the tool tip: “Locks layers and used Camera to Scene”.

Both the issues you describe are to do with the little ‘lock’ icon next to the layers in the 3D View. it locks the active camera and layer setup to the scene. So if the lock is on in a particular 3D View, its selected layers and its active camera will be used in the scene when rendering. Does this make sense? It probably will if you experiment with it a bit.

thanks folks!
