You could use a driver. Offset-field RMB copy as driver on the first one. RMB on the second - paste driver and then edit driver - add or subtract value e.g. 5. Repeat for third
When animating the Follow Path Offset I can use ALT and increase the offset of multiple objects at the same time, but you can only insert a keyframe for 1 object at a time.
I want to animate as an example 3 objects at once along the path via the Offset.
Yeah, but I was using that as an example. In the final file I’ll have maybe 100 objects moving along the curve. I’m just trying to see as a test f I can get it working on 3 objects easily.
Yeah it works. I just selected 2 paths and in the grapheditor evaluation time and pressed i over the graoh editor - selected channels. Then you haveto adjust the value afterwards, but thats not too bad
yeah bugger. I had a separate path for each object. then you can select all the paths and it works. but i dont know how to set that up with a 1000 objects. i see that you want one path. i tried link animation data, but then you have the same animation for all objects and you cant change it individually. really no idea. scripting, but i cant do that. maybe geonodes. you could certainly use a collection and put all the objects in a animate them on a curve. hm
Just plug an index node into the factor for where they are on the curve. Each item in the collection has an incremental index, so that should do exactly what you need
Ideally would have like to have used GEO nodes to create all the cars and offset them automatically and then being able to just animage the offset for all the cars at once.
Added the cars manually, didn’t take long and cheated and fudged the animate path and frames to get all the cars moving with just one click.
Thanks for all the replies and help. GeoNodes another day.
Yeah, would have been nice to do it a bit more professionally/geonodes.
Once you animate the curve path (using animate curve button) and do a bit of fudging because of the speed the cars moved. That was it, just spacebar and they move along the path.