I decided to actualize some of my old projects to the new possibilities that Cycles and Blender provided over the years and to renew my portfolio.
I hope you like it. Critics and suggestions are welcome, as well.
The project was to create renders to advertise the constructive system created by a Portuguese architect, João Castelo, with whom I worked in Portugal for over 4 years.
This project is from 2010 and at that time I had no resources to produce the renders I wanted.
Wow! For me, this is really good. It feels “alive”. I accually zoom in to find something to improve but I did not find anything. Maybe I am to new to this or you accually are really good!
Are you kidding? It’s excellent. I never had a school project like this. I am also not an animation guy. But I have an animation I made a while ago to show some photo restoration work. It’s elementary and rendered on EEVEE, cause my PC was terrible for rendering animations.
Congrats, nice! I remember the resources needed in the past, progress!
What is the material of the brown siding?
Maybe a slight bevel at the vertical edge?
Actually, not just the resources are better now, but I also am not the same person. I shouldn’t do this but look what was the render I had at that time. Not one of my best pieces of work, though. Now, maybe it is.