Acura NSX 2013

Acura NSX 2013

almost a year without blender . . i have a difficulty with topology. .


Topology is looking good to me. Btw next time post wires w/out subsurf showing through or enable subsurf in edit mode…makes it easier to see the verticies.

Thank you! next time i will do as what you suggested. .

after i finish the interior i will post another screenshot and then the final render. .

minor update
car paint
base interior

absolutely mouth-watering, can’t wait for the wheels!

Some details look a little out of place, but since this is a WIP, you may be on the path to detailing those out a bit more.

Here’s a pic of what I am talking about… Mostly the front elements since the convertible doesn’t have the rear feature like this one does. In yours, the bottom of the air dam seems to be recessed too far, and the elements on either side a little too pronounced.

Nice progress though!

Thank you for pointing that out. i have a mistake where my reference were actually from acura nsx from avenger film. I’ll try to fix that some time next week.

here’s another lame render

i just add wheels

That’s awesome man! Question though, what renderer?

Cycles of course :smiley: