Adapting to precision limitations in very large scenes (astronomy)


I made a 1:1 scale model of Earth and Moon with animation and it’s showing artefacts. What if I wanted to animate the whole solar system, or go larger?

When having the scene at 1:1 distances the scale model of a building I made displayed artefacts within its vertex positions - you can see the jagged edges of the roof. Just assume everything there is simple and flat.

This is probably due to hardware precision limitations - we are talking about a 30m tower on a 10000km sphere looking at another sphere 400000km away, so I’m guessing floating point is having problems accurately describing vertex positions at those relative sizes.

You can imagine I would prefer to keep everyhting in the scene proportional, so what can be done about this? How are such large scenes usually managed?

blend file:
luna_sizes.blend (1.9 MB)

P.S. if it matters:
AMD ryzen 5700x CPU
Nvidia 4070 GPU

You can’t work with real cosmic distances in any application that uses floating point numbers. Scale down and fake it