Add 2 Loops "Even"


is anyone aware of a way to achive something like this (support loops in the right mesh)?

i have to add lots of support loops and something like this would come in handy where i can add 2 loops at the same time and specify the percentage of those edges away from the borders.

cheers christian

When you add loop cut Ctrl + R, initially the loop location can be moved around with mouse. At that stage, hot key E or F will force cut to run even with one side or other.

Inset(I), boundary off if needed/possible.

@ ridix - yeah, thats what i was doing but i’d like to have the option for both sides not only 1 cut at a time, but thanks :slight_smile:

@juha - thanks, nice idea with the inset tool ^^ it is jut a little cleanup in the end where i have to edit the selected edges in the screenshot

thanks again