while you are discussing the theme for the next BGMC, I thought you might have fun with a different sort of contest.
I call it
It starts with Josip Kladaric’s Red Little Alien v0.3.
The idea is following:
Everybody has 1 hour to modify the latest version of the alien. You can add things. You can modify existing content. You can even remove things (Who said evolution is fair ;)). Do not be afraid to touch what your predecessor did - even my stuff [except the history].
I’m really curious about what will happen and if it even works :D.
The rules might look a bit complicated, but this is mainly to avoid conflicts. Ideally there is none, or exactly one member working at a contribution. Please post any questions regarding the rules in the rules discussion thread.
Evolution rules:
Make an announcement post in this thread with the content “I am next!”
This appends you to the announcement queue.
Please do this even if there was no update since a while. There is no guaranty someone is doing exactly the same while you are reading.
You can withdraw your announcement by editing your post with “cancelled” - e.g. when you know you will not have time.
Your announcement automatically expires when it is your turn and you do not start your contribution within one hour. So please check regularly even for cancelled announcements.
You can contribute when
there is no announcement before your’s and
the latest contribution is done (stated in the post) or
the latest contribution is expired (no zip after one hour since post date).
there is one announcement before your’s and
there is no contribution post from this member within an hour.
there are more than one announcement before your’s and
wait one hour (for the next candidate) and 10 minutes for each further announcement
Contribution Add a new post with the content “Started mutation on post #<post number where you get the zip from>”>
Grab the zip file from the pre-post (or if the time exceeded from the pre-pre-post).
Your time starts with the posting time.
You can edit your contribution as long as you did not published the zip file.
You have exactly one hour to complete your contribution. Otherwise another one can start with a previous contribution which will not include your one. (You can publish it anyway).
You complete your contribution by editing your post with at least:
the zip file
a screenshot
a copy and paste of your history entry (can be reformatted)
Things to do when contributing:
unzip the files to a new folder
open the blend file
run the blend to see if and how it works
add a new entry to aaa_history.py in the form ["<your name>", ‘’’<your modifications>’’’],
make changes to the file(s)
update your history entry
make all paths relative
run the blend to see if and how it works
zip the modified files (ensure to skip the backup files .blend1/.blend2)
make at least one screenshot to document what you changed (do not include it into the zip file)
Examples you can do:
Add animations
Add objects as part of the alien (e.g. foot sensor, hat, helmet, clothes)
Add gadgets to be used by the alien (e.g an flying saucer, robot arm)
Add controls (e.g for joystick, TV remote control ;))
Add an inventory (e.g. a sci-fi crate, flying barrel)
Add telekinetic power
I will remove expired and completed announcement on a regular bases [yes! I’m a moderator :D]. - edit: better not as that would change the visible post numbers.
Please post any questions regarding the rules in the rules discussion thread.
renamed the “Hemi*” lights to show what colors they deliver.
renamed LittleRedAlien to LittleRedAlien.skin to provide a suffix naming
created group LittleRedAlien that includes LittleRedAlien.skin
Renamed scene “Scene” to “Showroom”
increased the shadow/Quality/size from 512 to 2048
added the aaa_* files for documentation purposes (aaa to let them apear on top of the list)
enabled Name on LittleRedAlien.skin
added History.print
added folder textures with the texture files
added folder “python” and added “history.py”
added and linked “LinkedPythonFolder.blend”. To place the folder “python” into the python search path. You can place your python files into this folder.
No you can just start as he published his zip. For further changes he as to announce a new contribution first. Post#9 are answers to my questions from post#6.
control are w to move forwards,a to rotate clockwise,
d to rotate counter clockwise,space to jump
enlarged the groundplane
added moving platform to get on
added non moving platform to get on
added texture to groundplane
move in front of the box .then press g to grab box and then r to release box
ounce you find it
-Added a empty
hint,you have to jump on platforms to find it
-‘Fixed character animaitons length’,
-‘Fixed character movement speed’
-‘added raycheck back to make sure your on ground to jump’
-‘used same raycheck to ensure your on the ground to move’
-‘added air movement as a seperate motion’
-‘deleted Cube.001 as it was throwing errors’
-‘replaced DLoc with LinV’
forgot to add - ‘Deleted doubles of sensors’
forgot to add in air motion actuators and logic
This is fun.I am next.I am going correct the console error and put the box back in.Plus other things.
Blueprintrandom last contribution is unplayable.Because you cannot jump on the moving platforms.Unless it was his intention.