In this example, how can i push to the right all keyframes at the right of the marker without having to manually select them with the mouse ( the animation is too long… )
I want to give the current segment more time/frames in between but without modifying the segments on the right…
this cannot work because it has obviously a simple error in the 2nd code line (there is no objectf) so chatgpt seems to fail in simplest cases…and if you even have tried to run that only one time you should have notices. So i am wondering why you are replying this without even one time testing!?
also in the original there is “objectf” - which - AFAIK doesn’t exist and should throw an error. So sorry, either you are using another code or you just made a typo there…
You can use operations like “select all after current frame” to do this. You can use operations like this in a graph editor or dope sheet viewport (not in the timeline though.) With one of those viewports open, look at the “select” menu to see your options.
Of course, once you have them selected, you can g x 1 or whatever.