Add Image Sequence in Sequencer always gets frames backwards

I have no idea what I’m doing wrong, and I’ve struggled on my own with this extremely simple problem for an embarrassingly long time. Whenever I render an animation as images- say, frames 1-100, 1-100.png, and try to load those frames into the Sequencer as a sequence, it puts 100 first and 1 last. I’ve tried selecting the images in the sequence starting from 001 and starting from 100, neither of those make any difference. Currently, my flow is just to reverse my final video footage, but there’s no way I’m doing this right. So… what am I doing wrong? How do you import frames in the right order? :sweat_smile:


Hey !

It’s quite confusing indeed …

You should pay attention in which order the image are displayed in the browser :

Because the list is reversed it will create the sequence reversed.

With the list in the right order it’s ok , then I select all the images and import, and it’s fine !

That also mean like if the list is shorted by file size, you’ll get a completely disordered sequence.

Yet another powerful feature but …
Some imaging / editing software got options to read sequences like this, in DJV_View :

Rather than this :

It could be a great QOL improvement to add that to blender :smiley:


Ohh…. It’s by sorting order… that’s so dumb :sweat_smile: that’s actually super inconvenient because I like my file browser organized so that the most recent files are at the top. That means, of course, that the last rendered frame is at the top, and that explains my problem. Well I guess I’ll just shake up my system haha. Thanks friend :slight_smile:

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Hahahaha , and now you need an addon to render in reverse so you can keep your workflow :smiley:

And yess, it’s soo confusing, I fall in that trap too !
But once you know it, it’s possible to make good use of that feature once in a while ! At least, I’m sure it’s possible …

Blender is a true escape game :smiley:

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Now I have to decide which is more of a pain- writing an add-on like you suggest or changing my file browser. I’m a creature of habit, so honestly, I think the add-on will be easier :sweat_smile:

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How to be lazy like a developer Part 1 …

Of course changing habits is like killing a part of ourselves, it’s much quicker and safer to write some code…

Maybe an addon that manage proper importing could be great… You push a button, it opens and filebrowser, you select a folder , then you press Load , and it detects files sequences and load them in the correct order !

Here is some code for loading an image sequence.
It won’t work because it’s part of a bigger thing but that may give you ideas.
You need to append all the files to the “files” array.

Have a great weekend :smiley:

import bpy, os

	for i in range(inf["end"]-inf["start"]+1) :

	seq = bpy.context.scene.sequence_editor.sequences.new_image(
		name        = "RND_",
		filepath    = bpy.path.relpath(os.path.join(dirname,files[0])),
		channel     = + 1,
		frame_start = strip.frame_start + offset,

	for f in files[1:]:
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