Add Node Panel Menu

List All Nodes Menu

It categorizes them by similar nodes and displays them with an icon for easy viewing.
This is useful when you want to select a node to add while viewing all the nodes.




  • Node Editor > Side Menu(N key) > Add


  • alt + ctrl + A

Popup Menu.




Nice! Does it also work with Compositor nodes?

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ver1.1.0 Compositor nodes supported

  • Source code has been simplified

I have released ver1.1.0 which supported Compositor nodes :smiley:


Thanks for sharing.


Thank you very much. As a new user, I don’t really that many nodes exist.

ver1.1.1 Added option for adjust the width of the popup menu.


This is useful when there is a problem that some menus are hidden depending on the environment.

  • It can be accessed from Addon Setting → “Menu Width”

Hi @Bookyakuno ! I’ve just discovered this amazing addon!!! It works perfectly and is way faster working this way instead of default blender. I have a couple of questions: Is it possible to make the list disappear when I choose a node? Maybe an option with fade out seconds in the preferences of the addon would be super cool.
Do you think is possible to have custom keymap in the preferences? Let’s say I always use the emission node. In Blender you press ‘shift+a’ hover to ‘shader’ and press ‘e’. It would be cool to have same kind of behavior but with custom keymaps.

I also have an unrelated question to this addon: I’m always wondering about an addon that makes blender have floating windows as popups. Let’s say I’m in fullscreen in ‘3D viewport’ I don’t want to exit the full screen add a new panel like the ‘shader editor’ and then go to full screen again, I think it would make more sense to always stay full screen and when I need the shader editor it could pop up pressing ‘alt+m’ for example, do you have anything like this in mind for future addons?

Thanks a lot for your time and effort

list disappear when I choose a node
Custom keymaps

I think so too that suggestion is also useful.
However, to display the popup menu of this add-on, Blender’s built-in function (invoke_popup) is used.
This feature does not allow you to insert further actions or keymaps while displaying the menu.

Popup Shader Editor

Popping up the editor itself and pinning it is probably not possible with add-ons. (You can substitute the method of displaying the window on top by using some free software that displays the window on top)

In my case, I always switch editors using the editor switch pie menu.

Thanks a lot for helping me! The integrated 3d view pie is actually pretty cool I’m definitely gonna use that.

Nice that you like the idea of making the list disappear! Looking forward to see it next releases, thanks again! :pray:

I am using it in Blender version 3.1.2
Unfortunately it is not showing all nodes. Also Ctrl+Alt+A hotkey doesn’t work.
I tried increasing menu width but no effect.

I also noticed the same issues.
On Blender 3.2.2, the add-on Add Node Panel Menu 1.1.1 only shows these nodes in the Shader Editor:

Add Node Panel Menu ver1.1.2
Renovated menu / Compatible with Blender 4.0 / Added pie menu

Compatible with Blender 4.0.
Added pie menu.

This add-on hasn’t been updated for a long time, but I felt it was needed again, so I updated it.

I added the pie menu for my own use.

pie menu

Added pie menu (Shift + right click).

Pie menus are easier to use than existing pop-up menus because the menu spreads out from the center of the mouse.

Nodes such as volume, hair, light, and output are collapsed because they are not often used.

To display it, enable the option [Show other menus in pie menu] from the add-on settings, or click the :arrow_forward: button on the right end of the pie menu to expand it.

Redesigned menu

We have reclassified each related node and set an icon for each node to make it easier to distinguish.

All of them are lined up in one line, eliminating the need for scrolling.

Other sales sites

It was also published on sales sites other than gumroad.

Add Node Panel Menu - Blender Market

全ての追加ノードを一覧表示するメニューアドオン【Add Node Panel Menu / Blenderアドオン】 - Bookyakuno - BOOTH

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I don’t see a geometry node yet, I hope to add a menu for geometry nodes.

I previously considered creating a menu for geometry nodes, but I gave up because there were too many types of nodes and I wasn’t very familiar with geometry nodes.